Friday, December 27, 2013

Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board's Subcommittee on Self Powered Rail Car Techologies

All members and friends of TRB Subcommittee AP070(1) are cordially invited and encouraged to attend the annual meeting to be held on Tuesday January 14, 2014 in Washington DC.
If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns contact David Nelson (617 532 4286) or

I look forward to seeing you in our nation's capital.

David Nelson
Chair Subcommittee on Self Powered Rail Car Technologies

David O. Nelson, Director of Transit Planning, Jacobs Engineering Group
343 Congress Street | Boston, Massachusetts 02116 | USA
Boston: (617) 532 4286  | Andover: (978) 470 3353 | Mobile: (978) 360 0449 |
