August 11, 2011 - Orland Park, IL – Governor Pat Quinn today signed legislation creating a “bus on shoulder” pilot program through Chicago's I-55 corridor to improve public transportation transit times.
The new law, sponsored by State Rep. Bob Rita (D-Blue Island), will permit public transit buses, operated under the authority of the Rapid Transportation Authority and Pace, to ride on a designated roadway shoulders at locations and times by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
“This program aims to create a quicker and safer public transportation system,” Rita said. “By allowing transit buses to ride on a roadway shoulder in specifically designated areas we can help commuters reach their destinations both swiftly and securely.”
Under Rita’s measure, IDOT along with the RTA, Pace and the Illinois State Police will establish the five-year pilot program. Additionally, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority will also input for highways under its jurisdiction.
“Idling buses waste commuters time and money and waste taxpayer money on fuel,” Rita said. “This program changes that by allowing transit buses to safely and swiftly ride on roadway shoulders.”The expressway shoulders will only be available when traffic is slower than 35 mph. Buses will be restricted to traveling no more than 15 mph over the top traffic speed in the mainline lanes, never greater than 35 mph.
The new law requires IDOT to issue a report to the Illinois General Assembly on the effectiveness of the pilot program after two years of operation.